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A beautiful dozen pink roses with baby's breath
15 long stem pink roses in a glass vase with greens.
Looking for a lavish bouquet for a special occasion? This set includes a 3 dozen rose bouquet with 4 heart-shaped balloons for your meaningful day....
A beautiful 1 dozen baby pink roses in a hand-tied bouquet
2 dozen pink and purple roses with filler flowers bouquet
2 Dozen pink roses with baby's breath. Make it a set by adding our bubble balloon with custom message!
Standard: 6 pink roses with baby's breath and eucalyptus in a vase. Includes one 4 inch mylar balloon. Deluxe: 24 stems of roses with greeneries...
A truely stunning bouquet with 36 stems of mixed roses with eucalyptus wrapped in a romantic white wrapping. 4 heart-shaped balloons included.