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A lavish arrangement with a dozen red roses and white lilies in a vase.
7 red roses with pink carnations in a cube vase. Includes one mylar balloon.
An extravagant bouquet full of 100 stems of roses with baby's breath and a heart-shaped balloon. Requires a minimum 2 business days to create the arrangement.
Standard: 6 pink roses with baby's breath and eucalyptus in a vase. Includes one 4 inch mylar balloon. Deluxe: 24 stems of roses with greeneries...
What a lovely arrangement! Created mostly with long-lasting carnations and mums. Available as a set with small chocolate and hand-made floral card.
Premiun dozen red rose bouquet with babys breath and eucalyptus.
This dazzling arrangement of 59 stems of mixed coloured pink and white roses will definitely make your special day memorable!
Deluxe: Stunning 2 dozen red roses in a clear glass vase with greens. (Balloon included) Premium: Stunning 3 dozen red roses in a clear glass...
Pink tone basket arrangement with hydrangea, roses, carnations, gerbera and more seasonal mix!
A beautiful vase arrangement with 14 stems of pink roses and white lilies.
Red & white tone hand-tied bouquet with 6 stems of roses and other seasonal blooms
2 dozen red roses in black wrapping giving it an elegant and chic look! Our popular Valentines and anniversary bouquet. Make it into a gift...